50% of men ‘could purchase’ sex robots in five years

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BY SAMINU MACHUNGA – The Cable Lifestyle



While many people are of the opinion that sex robots are for the lonesome, a new survey suggests otherwise.

The survey revealed that almost half of the male population, single or in a relationship, could buy a sex robot within the next five years.

At the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany, Jessica Szczuka, co-authored a study which focused on what is likely to influence men as to whether or not to buy a sex robot.

A whopping 40.3 percent of the 263 straight males that were surveyed for Ms. Szczuka’s research said that they could imagine using a sex robot within the next five years.

According to Szczuka, the responses didn’t vary between those that were single and those in relationships.

She also suggested that the number may be higher in the real world as participants may have lied in the survey.

Speaking at the Love and Sex With Robots congress at Goldsmiths University in London, she said, “If people have the guts to say ‘yeah I could imagine that’, that’s a good sign”.

She also believes that as people grow familiar to the robots, the number “will double over time”.

While just under half of men could imagine buying a sex robot within five years, more than two-thirds of males could imagine using them.

Although, the most likely people to use one will be socially anxious people.

“Someone with a fear of rejection could control the robot because the robot would never reject them.”

Machines that are built like women for sexual purposes are becoming more and more popular. In countries like Japan, it has already caused a decrease in traditional sexual encounters between human beings.

In countries like Japan, it has already caused a decrease in traditional sexual encounters between human beings.

Virtual Reality Sex Cinemas Will Soon Make Sex Obsolete

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By on December 20, 2016 – The Blemish

Virtual Reality Sex Cinemas Will Soon Make Sex Obsolete


Awesome. I hope so. I hope more people dump their seed all over movie theater chairs or in robots. The planet is overpopulated enough.

Spanish researchers are currently developing virtual reality porn theaters where the audience will be able to take part in virtual orgies with the actors. Via touch screen, 3D glasses, surround sound, and vibrating seats, up to twelve people at a time will be able to engage in virtual gangbangs with stars. In the future, this may even involve sex robots to make the shows interactive.

The Daily Mail reports that Christina Portales of the University of Valencia told experts at a recent Love and Sex with Robots conference (yeah, that’s totally real) in London:

All senses have been integrated. People will see, people will smell, people will touch. They will feel the movement. It is not an individual activity. It is a group.

Inventors say this will be more addictive than porn. I’ll bet you ten dollars it makes sex obsolete.

Why female sex robots are more dangerous than you think

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By Tabi Jackson Gee – The Telegraph




I was going to start this article about robots with a not-so-clever reference to Fritz Lang’s Metropolis. But then I spoke to Blay Whitby, a philosopher concerned with the social impact of emerging technologies and the trivialisation of robots in the media – and I decided otherwise.

Because when it comes to robots, it’s simply no use discussing them through the lens of our favourite film or science fiction book. Cliched as it may be, the future is here; we can and should talk about reality. Within a matter of decades we’ve become entirely reliant on technology and robots are increasingly part of our everyday lives.

The latest chapter comes courtesy of Dr Trudy Barber, a pioneer in the impact of technology on sexual intercourse. Speaking at the International Congress of Love and Sex with Robotics, Dr Barber said people’s growing immersion in technology means it’s only a matter of time before it takes a mainstream role in sex.

Put simply: sex between couples will increasingly be saved for special occasions as  robots step in to satisfy our everyday needs. Dr Barber predicted the use of artificial intelligence (AI) devices in the bedroom will be socially normal within 25 years and that the machines would enable people to appreciate ‘the real thing’.

“I think what will happen is that they will make real-time relationships more valuable and exciting”, she added.

Devices such as Rocky or Roxxxy True Companion can currently be bought for around £7,000, but advances in the field are predicted to make sex robots increasingly lifelike and affordable.

Indeed, in April this year, a man figured out a way to make a robot in his own home that resembled a woman they don’t know.

Ricky Ma, 42, a Hong Kong-based man with no formal training in  robots, spent £35,000 to create a robotic woman who looks exactly like Scarlett Johannson. And there’s absolutely nothing she can do about it.

Unlike the vivacious and intelligent actress, his robotic counterpart was programmed to respond to questions like ‘you are very beautiful’ and ‘you’re so cute’ with little more than a coquettish smile and a wink.

It’s an utterly disappointing reflection of the way women are portrayed in society – Ma’s clever three dimensional creation is about as one dimensional as you can get.

The 'Mark 1' robot that looks like Scarlett Johansson
The ‘Mark 1’ robot that looks like Scarlett Johansson CREDIT: BOBBY YIP / REUTERS

Is all this cause for concern? Of course. Because right now more money is being spent on making these things than thinking about the ethical and societal ramifications. We already know porn provides a terrifying reflection on how society views women, which can manifest itself in real life.

But what happens when machines start contributing to the objectification of women too?

There’s also a real worry that people will abuse robots assigned human traits – whether it be in a sexual or physical way. Whitby thinks it’s a legitimate concern: “Will people mistreat robots? Oh yes, I’m sure. The reason I’m sure is because they already do. The way people first meet artificial intelligence is in a character in a video game that they’re shooting at.”

As we are yet to truly understand the effect that playing violent video games has on young minds, it will be years before we even begin to comprehend the knock-on effects that the mistreatment of human-like robots has on our behaviour towards each other.

Dr Kathleen Richardson, a Senior Research Fellow in the Ethics of Robotics at the Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility, has done extensive research into this area – especially in regards to women. She says: “A machine, like the portrayal of women in pornography, prostitution and the media are entirely objects for male gratification. But women aren’t like what males see in pornography or in prostitution or in popular media.

“In these areas women are coerced or told how to be have act or behave with a threat of money or violence. In real life, women really have their own thoughts and feelings and preferences and desires. It seems logical that if this extreme control can’t be experienced by men with real women, the only next step is to create artificial objects.”

The people creating these robots are also partly to blame. A 2014 Nesta study titled ‘Our Work Here Is Done: Visions of a Robot Economy’ examined how gender is assigned to machines in the workplace. Researchers found that ‘male’ robots are thought to be better at repairing technical devices while ‘female’ robots are thought to be more suited to domestic and caring services.

In other words: people with gendered ideas make robots that conform to gender norms, which then perpetuates existing stereotypes.

As long as these norms go unchallenged, and robots are designed to fulfil perceived gender roles (has anyone yet talked about a male ‘sex robot’?) this vicious cycle will continue.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. What if the people programming and designing these robots didn’t have such stereotypical views? What if they used this amazing new platform to defy gender stereotypes, and rather than serving as a poor reflection on society, instead inspired us to look at ourselves in new ways?

It’s a nice thought. But as long as manufacturers stand to make a profit from robotics, and see these types of characterisations as a means to creating more humanised, relatable machines that sell better, not much is going to change.

Inventor Douglas Hines with his True Companion sex robot 
Inventor Douglas Hines with his True Companion sex robot, Roxxy CREDIT: ROBYN BECK

At the 2016 AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science – the world’s largest scientific society) annual meeting, Yale ethicist Wendell Wallach spoke of his concerns about AI. He said: “There’s a need for more concerted action to keep technology a good servant – and not let it become a dangerous monster.”

While codes exist to guide the creation of machines, the lack of law in place means that time and effort is being ploughed into manufacturing and programming, and no one is thinking twice about the effects this will have on living and breathing humans. Being cautious isn’t sexy in the business of technology – and it rarely comes with financial rewards.

Whitby urged us to act now, before it’s too late. “We need to have these discussions instead of waking up one day when robot companions are normal and question whether it was a good idea or not,” he says.

And as this kind of technology is rolled out around the world, he had a stark warning about where the democratisation of technology is taking us: “How would you feel about your ex boyfriend getting a robot that looked exactly like you, just in order to beat it up every night?”

It’s a shocking idea, isn’t it? On the one hand, it’s a machine – it isn’t you. But then, it is you, because it stands for you, and who you are.

Whitby added: “I mean, it might be alright, it might mean he can be calmer and more normal with you – think about Aristotle’s theory of catharsis. But we really haven’t discussed this as a society. We’re drifting towards it and the technology is very close to being available, but we just aren’t talking about it.”

It’s time we started having these conversations, before those oft quoted science fiction dystopias become a nightmarish reality.


Sex will be just for special occasions in the future as robots will satisfy everyday needs

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By Henry Bodkin – The Telegraph




Robots will becoming more and more life like

ex between married couples will increasingly be saved for special occasions as robots step in to satisfy everyday needs, experts have predicted.

Use of artificial intelligence (AI) devices in the bedroom will be socially normal within 25 years, an international  robotics conference has heard.

Comparing sex robots to the rise of the ebook, Dr Trudy Barber, a pioneer in the impact of technology on sexual intercourse, said the machines would enable people to greater appreciate “the real thing”.

Devices such as Rocky or Roxxxy True Companion can currently be bought for around £7,000, but advances in the field are predicted to make sex robots increasingly lifelike and affordable.

Speaking yesterday at the International Congress of Love and Sex with Robotics, Dr Barber said people’s growing immersion in technology means it was only a matter of time before it takes a mainstream role in sex.

“It could be that we are so busy with our lives, we are so embedded in our technological narrative that the idea of engaging in long-distance sex and robot sex is actually a natural process in our evolutionary cycle,” she said.

“I think what will happen is that they will make real-time relationships more valuable and exciting.”

However, AI experts have been warning that a generation of adolescents risk “losing their virginity” to humanoid devices and growing up with an unrealistic conception of sex.

In June leading scientist Dr Noel Sharkey, a former advisor to the UN, called on governments to prevent robotics being hijacked by the sex industry.

“I think what will happen is that they will make real-time relationships more valuable and exciting” – Dr Trudy Barber
Inventor Douglas Hines with his True Companion sex robot CREDIT: ROBYN BECK

But Dr Barber said the robots would effectively become an “extra human race”.

“The question is not “when will it become acceptable” but “when will we integrate”.”

“We are able to have so many colours on our sexual pallet now; I think we’d be daft not explore them.”

Questions that will face regulators involve how much data to allow robots to collect about their human partners and send back to their manufacturers.

Others include whether to legislate for purely passive robots, or to allow devices which entice humans to have sex, and whether robots would have to make clear that they are machines rather than humans.

Kate Devlin, computing expert at Goldsmiths, University of London, said it was probable future sex robots would be designed to learn their human partner’s sexual preferences to improve performance.

“Companion” devices such as the Pepper robot are being increasingly used to provide stimulation to elderly people, particularly in Asian countries such as Japan.

Created two years ago, the humanoid robot is designed with the ability to read certain emotions from analysing expressions and voice tones.

Scientists have said there is evidence the devices are being used by parents to keep their children company.

Professor Sharkey yesterday challenged the prediction that sex robots would become mainstream.

“Sex robots will be used within the next decade but it is doubtful if they will become a societal norm although surveys show that around 10% would be prepared to use them.

“They are more likely to be viewed as tools for masturbation although having a humanoid body may make a difference to the fantasy.

“Would you leave  your sex robot out if your mum came to visit?

“Prostitution has been around for thousands of years and yet has never been socially normalised.

“The problem is the same for both.

“With sex robots and prostitution, you are having a one way relationship with an object or a person that does not return your love except by pretence.”


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London – Sex – die schönste Nebensache der Welt – ist wohl die intimste Form menschlichen Beisammenseins. Doch in Zukunft könnte der Beischlaf durch Technik ergänzt, bereichert oder sogar ersetzt werden. Darüber haben Forscher am Wochenende auf einem Londoner Kongress diskutiert.

Die unter dem Titel “Love and Sex with Robots” stehende Veranstaltung widmete sich der Frage, ob es in den kommenden Jahren (vielleicht sogar nur noch?!) Sex von Mensch und künstlicher Intelligenz geben wird.

Doch welche Fragen müssten dafür zuvor beantwortet werden?

Ein Forscher hat zum Beispiel den Vorzug eines Roboters betont, der keine Ermüdung und Erschöpfung kenne. Anderseits müsste hinterfragt werden, ob ein Roboter sich allen menschlichen Bedürfnissen hingeben oder er sogar selbst aktiv werden müsse, meinte der Informatiker Oliver Bendel laut heise.de.

David Levy, ein absoluter Experte für Künstliche Intelligenz ist sich sicher, dass Sex mit Robotern Einzug halten und spätestens 2050 Realität sein wird. Vermutlich werkeln bereits mehr Firmen als gedacht an solchen Technologien, meinte er.

Der Traum vieler Hersteller sei eine menschenähnliche Puppe, die mit den Menschen interagieren könne. Ob dazu eine VR-Brille notwendig sei, wird noch getestet. Im Moment werden hauptsächlich menschliche Sexpuppen / Gummipuppen als Nischenprodukt verkauft.

Im Moment werden bereits Technologien ausprobiert, bei denen Menschen über Handys erste Kusserfahrungen sammeln könnten. Die Gesichter der Puppen sind dabei veränderlich berichtet der Daily-Star und zeigt erste Bilder, wie die virtuellen Kuss-Partner aussehen könnten.

Und natürlich bietet die Branche auch Gefahren. Zum Beispiel wenn Menschen ihre verruchten Bedürfnisse an Robotern auslassen und diese dann versuchen, sie in die Realität zu übertragen. Vergessen darf man allerdings nicht:

Selbst wenn der Sex mit dem Roboter noch so befriedigend ist, wird er doch nie die echte körperliche Nähe und Wärme zu einem echten Menschen gleichwertig ersetzen können.

From Sex Toy to Spouse: Conference Examines Evolution of Human-Robot Love Affair

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15:31 20.12.2016 – Sputnik International



Robotics and computer-human interaction is nothing new, and according to a panel of academics who gathered at a two-day conference in London, the technology will eventually advance to levels where human-robot marriages could even become a preferred possibility.

At the second International Congress on Love and Sex with Robots held at Goldsmiths University in London, the possibility of people being able to tailor a “sex robot” to such an extent that they could be made to look, smell and even feel like their perfect vision of a partner is, according to some experts, an option that could be available in the not-too-distant future.

“Someone could order a robot that looks like their ex-partner or even like their favorite celebrity if they wished. Who knows the level of personalization that could be possible. So the question of wishing to also marry their perfect creation may not be as far-fetched in the future as it may sound now,” Dr. David Levy, a leading author and expert in computer-human interaction told the conference on December 19.

In his book, ‘Love and Sex with Robots,’ Dr. Levy very much welcomes the revolution of sex robot technology as he feels that it will make the world a happier place.  Lonely and bereaved individuals could benefit, according to Dr. Levy, as would those at risk of being social misfits or the commonly isolated men who, for whatever reason, become incapable of developing traditional human relationships.


And men are the dominant consumers of this developing market for human replicas, according to the speakers at the conference.

Sex Therapy and Robot Prostitution

“Robots are like passive inanimate objects and they could also bring a therapeutic quality for both men or women. Deep-rooted anxieties exist in society where more and more humans feel disconnected from each other and so maybe our relationship with technology could either widen the gap or teach us the importance of getting closer,” said Dr. Genevieve Liveley, a lecturer specializing in cyborg genealogy from Bristol University.

“Sex robots are just another example of technological ingenuity overcoming human conditions,” Dr. Liveley added.

Event organizer Dr. Kate Devlin, who is a senior lecturer in computing at Goldsmiths University, has previously written about sex robots being used to help sex offenders.

“We need to really understand the ethics and therapeutic uses of sex with robots and I feel we could be heading towards some kind of transhuman era as the whole sex tech industry advances at the pace it is,” Dr. Devlin told Sputnik at the conference.

“A lot of the technology currently being created is by men and for men. An area that requires a little more research is the market for sex toys as that is more evenly split between both men and women. It is my hope that the sex robot of the future will not resemble humans and instead be created as almost unique separate beings. This would save the issue of them being objectified as replacements for women,” she said.

Dr. Kathleen Richardson, an academic and director of The Campaign Against Sex Robots, although not present at the conference herself, was referenced for her well-known stance of citing an ethical link between the development of artificial intelligence (AI) sex-bot technology and the prostitution of human beings.

The development of life-like female sex robots simply reinforces a broader society narrative where women are seen as a commodity or a product that can be used, she told Sputnik at another conference recently.

‘Dystopian Fears, Utopian Fantasies’

Emma Yann Zhang, a computer science PHD student at City University in London presented a digital project at the London conference that she and her team have developed. It is a real-time kissing application called ‘Kissenger’ and rather than solely being intended as a sexual tool, it is more of a way to revolutionize social relationships and communication. It could also be implemented into a sex robot for enhanced sensory features.

“It is designed for couples and families who may be far from each other to be able to send each other a kiss, as a direct expression of love and affection. The app connects to a device which when kissed exerts exactly the same pressure sensation on the receiving side of the other person.

“It is like a technological extension of our senses and in the future we could even add further sensory variables such as smells and textures,” Zhang told Sputnik.

Professor Carey Jewitt from UCL in London was an academic attending the conference as part of a research project she is involved with, and at the end of the first day she told Sputnik:

“The conference for me has highlighted both the dystopian fears as well as utopian fantasies around human-machine relationships. In the future I feel this will very much teach us all much about ourselves as human beings and the many anxieties associated with modern life.”

“We have as much in common with cyborgs as we do with primates. Some may say that as humans in the modern world, we are in fact becoming more like robots every day,” Dr. Genevieve Liveley from Bristol University concluded at the conference.

Celebrity sex robots could thrust human intercourse aside, experts predict

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According to a new study, intercourse between long term couples is expected to dwindle in the not so distant future, being saved only for special occasions, because robots will be taking care of people’s basic sexual needs.

In as few as 25 years, engaging in bedroom romps with artificial intelligence will be seen as a completely normal, but this may also put you at risk of having your “deepest perversions” revealed to total strangers.

It could be that we are so busy with our lives, we are so embedded in our technological narrative that the idea of engaging in long-distance sex and robot sex is actually a natural process in our evolutionary cycle,” Dr. Trudy Barber from Portsmouth University said at the International Congress of Love and Sex with Robotics on Monday.

The scientist, who is a leading figure in the study of technology’s impact on our sexuality, believes that machines will help us cherish “the real thing” and make our “real-time relationships more valuable and exciting.”

Robots will become an “extra human race” and help humans explore “our sexual pallet,” she added.

While the sex robots currently on the market will set you back a hefty £7,000 ($8,640), experts think advances in the field will lower the price over the coming years.

However, not all scientists agree that AI taking a more prominent role in the boudoir is a good thing. Some believe the practice, especially when engaged in by teenagers, could lead to unrealistic expectations of sex with other humans. Earlier this year, former United Nations adviser Dr. Noel Sharkey urged governments to stop robotics form being using in the sex industry.

Others worry about the collecting and sharing of personal data that could come with sex machines. Dr. Kate Devlin, a senior lecturer with the Department of Computing at the University of London, Goldsmiths, who also spoke at the event, said that, much like with phones and fitness trackers, “we tick the box of the terms and conditions without checking them.”

While she said giving feedback on the AI’s performance should be fine, Devlin added “but do we want people to know when we have sex and how we have sex?”

In 2007, AI researcher David Levy from Maastricht University argued that people could be marrying and bedding robots in the not so far off year of 2050.

Celebrity cash-in

Celebrity sex robots could also soon become a reality. Author of Love and Sex with Robots David Levy has argued that the likes of Kim Kardashian and Ryan Gosling could one day license their images, allowing manufactures to produce doppleganger robots using their likeness. Companies making the models even hope to one day be able to program the AIs with your celebrity crush’s personality and trademark characteristics.

They wouldn’t be the first. A superfan has spent a whopping £34,000 to create a Scarlett Johansson doll. The robot can even reply in smiles and giggles.

Sex with robots will soon be more common than the real thing, experts say

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Doug Hines (R), owner and designer for TrueCompanion, has help carrying Roxxxy, a prototype of what Hines said is the world’s first female sex robot complete with artificial intelligence and equipped to carry a conversation.

Sex bytes for married couples — who will soon get more action from robots than each other, experts predicted at a tech conference Monday. It is possible that anybody can have their own custom sex doll. Even couples can have their own if they are into some kind of a three way action.

The use of sex robots to push buttons between the sheets will be considered “socially normal” in 25 years, said experts at the International Congress of Love and Sex with Robotics in London, according to the UK Telegraph.

But the trend will ultimately be good for humanity, predicted Dr. Trudy Barber, an expert on technology and sexual intercourse.

It will bring more value to real human relationships — and getting laid the old-fashioned way, she said at the conference at the University of London.

“I think what will happen is that they will make real-time relationships more valuable and exciting” she said.

Modal Trigger

“It could be that we are so busy with our lives, we are so embedded in our technological narrative that the idea of engaging in long-distance sex and robot sex is actually a natural process in our evolutionary cycle,” she said.

Sex robots such as Rocky or Roxxxy True Companion have already hit the market for $8,600 — and similar products are only getting cheaper and more likable, the Telegraph reported.

Some tech experts have warned that widespread use of robots in bed will breed a generation of teenagers who have no clue what real sex is all about.

Adolescents risk losing their virginity to humanoids and growing up with unrealistic sexual expectations, experts have said.

In June, scientist Dr. Noel Sharkey — a former adviser to the UN — called on European governments to prevent robotics from being hijacked by the sex industry.

Robots will soon become an “extra human race,” he predicted. “The question is not when will it become acceptable — but when will we integrate.”

Robot sex and our slouch toward a dystopian future in which love, copulation and procreation drift increasingly apart

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Monday, December 19, 2016, 12:52 PM



Sex robots appear to be here to stay. This Monday and Tuesday, the Second International Congress on Love and Sex with Robots is drawing some of the best minds in artificial intelligence, robotics AND computer-human interaction to London, in the latest evidence that the industry is no longer in its infancy.You can already buy high-end robotic love for about seven grand — and they come ready-made with a beating heart, the capacity to orgasm and even multiple, programmable personalities.“Does love have to be reciprocated in order to be valid?” asks Dr. Kate Devlin, event host for the London conference. Much to her delight, she knows that our culture has already answered her question.The vision of sex celebrated by our movies and music — and facilitated by hook-up applications like Tinder — is premised on lack of feelings and commitment. The whole point is to use each other as mere objects. The rise of digital pornography (and, soon, mainstream virtual reality porn) is also premised on sexual gratification apart from there being any reciprocation.Sex with computers is just the latest example of this trajectory.

But barring any changes in our sexual culture, the game-changing nature of robotics and artificial intelligence gives many people good reason to believe that it will eventually replace having sex with humans.

Don’t believe me? Think we’ll at least need sex between humans to propagate the species?

The answer to this challenge was offered two decades ago by the movie “GATTACA.” It warned of us of a culture in reproduction is consciously separated from sex.


In its world, that human beings of the not-too-distant future will reproduce almost totally via laboratory technology. In the movie, people who had “religious births” (created because their parents had sex) were known as “invalids.”

In a striking scene, a geneticist working with a couple noted that, “You have specified hazel eyes, dark hair and fair skin. I’ve taken the liberty of eradicating any potentially prejudicial conditions. Premature baldness, myopia . . . alcoholism and addictive susceptibility . . . propensity for violence, obesity, etc.”

When the couple asks if they “should leave a few things to chance,” the geneticist replies, “We want to give your child the best possible start. Believe me, we have enough imperfection built in already. Your child doesn’t need any more additional burdens.”

We aren’t there yet, but as in vitrofertilization (IVF) has become less expensive and more effective — and as we continue to put off child rearing until later in life and demand genetic quality control over our offspring — reproduction will become more and more disconnected from sex.

Particularly when we have artificial placentas (not that far away) and artificial wombs (pretty far away, but coming), we will be dangerously close to proving that sci-fi scenario correct.

Anyone who has ever been through IVF knows the ways in which we can attempt to have quality control over the embryos for sale. From paying Ivy League college students $20,000 for their eggs (as long as, of course, they provide evidence of their high SAT scores and a photo demonstrating their attractiveness) — to using preimplantation genetic diagnosis of embryos to choose “the best” embryos (and discarding the rest) — we have set a reproductive course directly toward the future “GATTACA” warned us about.

If we are to stop the slide we will need a progressive sexual counter-culture.


In Gattaca


It must begin by calling out how a capitalist market drives out cultural values and moral principles in the name of securing profits for shareholders of the companies which bring us virtual-reality porn, sex robots and quality-controlled laboratory embryos.

In resisting such forces, we must stand up for new cultural norms which insist that sex and openness to the gift of procreation (not the market-laden term “reproduction”) must be connected.

Arguments in favor of such connections need not rely on the Bible or any kind of explicitly religious truth, but simply on the view that a culture ruled by the norms and principles in “GATTACA” are bad and ought to be resisted. Plenty of people hold this position regardless of their (lack of) religious belief.

The current culture, of course, finds it difficult to insist on the connection between sex and the gift of procreation. Indeed, disconnection between the two may be so strongly imbedded in the developed West that it may require young people to get us rethink our sexual and reproductive practices. In addition to being far more open-minded about these matters, the dystopian future toward which we are slouching will be theirs to live through if nothing changes.

It will take a very strong sexual counter-culture to get a culture dominated by capitalism and sexual autonomy to rethink these norms. But young people have changed embedded assumptions in our culture before.

Of the next generation, we must ask the following question: “Are you going to accept your grandfather’s view of sex and reproduction, or is your generation going to challenge the status quo?”

If we are to avoid “GATTACA,” we must hope for the latter.

Camosy is associate professor of ethics in Fordham’s theology department.

Sex robots could kill humans because they’ll be too good in bed

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Sex robots are coming and they’re going to be mind-blowing in the sack – to such a degree that scientists are concerned about humans’ health.

Unlike us puny humans, robots don’t get tired, so they could easily ‘over-exert’ a human lover, causing health problems, Swiss researcher Oliver Bendel has warned.

Basically, we’re all going to die by having way too much sex with RoboBae.

Speaking at the Love and Sex and Robots Conference at Goldsmith’s University, Bendel explained human sexuality has ‘physical limits’ – particularly for men, The Register reported.

He said: ‘If the machine over-exerts the human, it reduces the possibility of human sex.’


Who would have thought there would be so many problems with humans and robots getting it on? (Picture: Getty/Metro.co.uk)

Unsurprisingly, there are loads of other ethical issues when it comes to man and robot making sweet, sweet love.

Bendel questioned whether robots should have the ability to refuse consent in ‘extreme’ circumstances, which may frustrate people keen to fork out £13,000 for an android f*ck buddy.

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