City, University of London Professor Enters the Elite List of The h-Index for Computer Science, the top 0.06% of Computer Scientists

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Professor Adrian David Cheok, Chair Professor of Pervasive Computing at City, University of London and Director of Imagineering Institute, Malaysia, enters the elite list of the h Index for Computer Science, emerging as the top 0.06% of computer science researchers.

This list contains the authors of computer science papers who have a h-index of 40 and above, computed from various sources including Google Scholar and DBLP. Out of the 1.7 million computer science authors listed on DBLP, only about 1000 authors in the entire world meet this requirement, making them the top 0.06% of computer science researchers. This list is maintained by Professor Jens Palsberg, Professor of Computer Science at UCLA. Other prominent researchers on the list include Nobel Laureate Dr Herbert Simon, Turing Award winners, members of the National Academy of Engineering, members of the National Academy of Sciences, and Fellows of IEEE and ACM.

Professor Adrian David Cheok is highly recognised for his research on mixed reality, multisensory internet communication, human-computer interfaces, wearable computers, pervasive and ubiquitous computing. He is winner of numerous prestigious awards, including the Hitachi Research Fellowship, Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA), and Distinguished Alumni Awards by University of Adelaide.

The h-Index for Computer Science list can be found at