Human And Robot Marriage: Are Androids Looking Better Than Real Humans? How Is That Possible?

posted in: Media
By Sai , Dec 20, 2016 03:48 PM EST – iTECH POST
With the swift emergence of technology, can humans marry robots in the near future? What’s the truth behind this claim? Is it really possible that droids will soon look better than real life humans? The details, find out (Photo : Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

A sex robot expert have recently revealed that in a span of 35 years, humans will be married to robots. Apart from this revelation, the same expert has claimed that humans are bound to have sex with robots  which will allegedly become more enjoyable than with other humans, because of the advancement of artificial intelligence.

Human And Robot Intercourse: Is It Possible?

In one of his statements during the Love and Sex with Robots conference in Goldsmith’s University, London this week, The Sun reports that as per Dr. David Levy, best-selling author and robot expert has said that the first marriage will be before, not after 2050. He claimed that sex and love with robots at a human level may appear to be a long way off, but the future has a way of laughing at you.

Furthermore, Dr. Levy believes that thanks to artificial intelligence, in which a machine can learn exactly types of sexual desires humans enjoy, means sex will become “more sophisticated” and “more enjoyable” with a robot. Additionally, he reveals that robots are about to get enormously attractive as well in the near future.

On the other hand, according to Daily Mail, the sex robot expert has highly emphasized that while the claims may seem ridiculous to some, ‘sex and love with robots at a humanistic level may appear to be a long way off, but the future has a way of laughing at you. In one study, the researchers surveyed 263 heterosexual males between the ages of 18 and 67. It was consequently found that a staggering number of men admitted they would buy a sex robot, with 40.3 per cent of participants responding in this way. Ultimately, experts say that as artificial intelligence advances gear up, it’s feared a robot personality could be enough to lock another in holy matrimony.