Future Technology Trends in 2014 in Computer Weekly by Adrian David Cheok

posted in: Media





  1. Drones in the sky to become mainstream. Delivery of goods by drones
  2. Virtual reality to become mainstream with Oculus Rift
  3. Electric and driverless cars to take off
  4. Smell communication by computer
  5. Humans will increasingly fall in love with virtual characters
  6. Stock trading will become crowd sourced, with the ability to follow thousands of traders in real time and copy their trades in real time based on performance
  7. Brain project in the US will map the human brain to allow new breakthroughs such as neural implants
  8. 3D printing will become mainstream in the workplace and at home
  9. Jet pack transportation will enter the market
  10. Every kid will be able to build their own electronics

Source: Adrian David Cheok, professor of pervasive computing at City University London