London university Goldsmiths hosts conference on ‘ethics of having sex with robots’

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A London university is hosting world experts on loving and having sex with robots this week.

The two-day conference, which has been banned in Malaysia, will address the ethics around sexual relationships with robots and includes a talk on ‘teledildonics’ called Teletongues – lollipop devices for remote oral interaction.

Event organiser Dr Kate Devlin, senior lecturer in computing at Goldsmiths, has previously written about sex robots’ potential to help sex offenders.

She told the Standard: “It may be have a controversial or trivial-sounding topic title, but this is an academic conference area with a lot of growth and development.

“Sex technology is a huge industry worth billions of dollars worldwide. Humanoid sex robots are more niche, they are only manufactured in the US and Japan at the moment.


Humans and robots: A two-day conference will look into the ethics of having sexual relations between the two. (AFP/Getty Images)

“There are several important things to consider with these robots. Is it ethical to make machines to have sex with? At the moment there is not much interactivity with sex robots, they are just sex dolls, they are not sentient. But with artificial intelligence, in the future we will be able to create robots that think for themselves.

“Another thing to consider is who collects the data from the robots? Will we have privacy? Even vibrators are starting to collect data.”

Having relationships with robotic technology became a topic of debate after the release of Scarlett Johansson film ‘Her’ in 2013,  a romantic sci-fi drama whose main character falls in love with his female intelligent computer operating system.

Dr Devlin added: “We need to fully understand the ethics and therapeutic uses of sex with robots and where it’s going in a diverse and equal manner.

“A lot of technology now is being created by men and for men but they are just mechanised sex dolls, the stereotypical seductive woman – though the market for sex toys is evenly split between men and women.  Why can’t we explore new forms of sex robot and less heteronormative ones?

“Also, these robots could help people who cannot normally form relationships and provide them with a form of intimacy they would not otherwise have.”

The conference is taking place today and tomorrow at the university New Cross campus, with keynote speaker artificial intelligence and industry expert David Levy.

How Sex Bots Will Change Human Sex

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Dispatches from the Second International Congress on Love and Sex with Robots.


Sex With Robots Will Be ‘Socially Normal’ By 2040, Says Technology

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During yesterday’s International Congress of Love and Sex with Robotics, scientists revealed that sex with artificial intelligence will play a mainstream role in the bedroom in the near future, and now we have an irrational fear of the hoover



For anyone who has become hooked on Westworld – the HBO science fiction western thriller series which sees rich vacationers visit a futuristic park where robotic ‘hosts’ are slaves to their violent and sexual fantasies – you might want to look away now, as the nightmare is about to become a reality, according to technology experts.

Speaking yesterday at the International Congress of Love and Sex with Robotics at the Goldsmiths campus of the University of London, Dr Trudy Barber – a leading expert in the impact of technology on sexual intercourse – announced that artificial intelligence (AI) machines in sex will be ‘socially normal’ within 25 years.


Comparing the use of robots in the bedroom to increased popularity of the ebook, Barber explained that people’s growing obsession with technology meant that it wasn’t going to take long before it became a common factor in the bedroom and that the science would enable people to better appreciate ‘the real thing’.

That being intimacy, love and sexual attraction with a real-life human being, we presume.

Barber said: ‘It could be that we are so busy with our lives, we are so embedded in our technological narrative that the idea of engaging in long-distance sex and robot sex is actually a natural process in our evolutionary cycle.


Yeah, tell that to the partner who walks in to find their other half straddling a human-like remote control and see how ‘exciting’ that makes their sex life.


To make matters worse, Love and Sex with Robots author David Levy has suggested sex robot manufacturers might soon be able to create made-to-order identical models of celebrities that mimick real-life behavior and personality traits.

And, while it might sound a preposterous theory, already this year one robotics enthusiast spent £34,000 to create a doll made in the likeness to Scarlett Johansson, which apparently smiles and giggles like the Lost in Translation star.

But, while you might be looking at every technological item around you right now and questioning whether one day you could find your boyfriend or girlfriend making love to a pimped up version of the iPhone 5, there are many AI experts who challenge the belief that sex robots will become mainstream in the future, despite surveys showing that around 10 per cent of people would like to use them.


Yesterday, Professor Noel Sharkey – a scientist and former advisor to the UN who, in June, called on governments to stop robotics being influenced by the sex industry – said of sex bots: ‘They are more likely to be viewed as tools for masturbation although having a humanoid body may make a difference to the fantasy.’

He also explained that similar to prostitution, which still remains a taboo issue despite it being a thousands of years old practice – robots for sex won’t be viewed as the norm any day soon.

‘With sex robots and prostitution, you are having a one way relationship with an object or a person that does not return your love except by pretence,’ he revealed.


However, despite expert protestation of the technology, Dr Barber assures society that robots will become an ‘extra human’ race.

‘The question is not ‘when will it become acceptable’ but ‘when will we integrate’,’ she said.

Anyone else now scared of their electric toothbrush or is it just me?

Sex mit Maschinen Der Roboter ist immer geil

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Dienstag, 20.12.2016   11:39 Uhr – SPIEGEL ONLINE

Mehr als nur Spielzeug: Hersteller tüfteln an immer realistischeren Sexrobotern. Dürfen Menschen alle ihre Fantasien an den Maschinen ausleben?


Sex mit Menschen könnte bald der Vergangenheit angehören: Schon 2050 werden Sexroboter den Menschen den Rang im Bett abgelaufen haben. Das zumindest glaubt der britische Zukunftsforscher Ian Pearson.

In seinem Bericht “The Future Of Sex” zeichnet der Mathematiker und Physiker eine Zukunft, in der Roboter-Bordelle und Stripklubs mit computergesteuerten Tänzern zur Normalität gehören. Maschinen aus Metall, Silikon und Software könnten Kunden alle Wünsche erfüllen und sich unermüdlich an der Stange räkeln. Dass Pearson seinen Bericht mithilfe eines britischen Sex-Toy-Anbieters veröffentlicht hat, mag dazu beigetragen haben, dass die Zukunft des Sex als eine beschrieben wird, die in den Händen der Roboter liegt.

Doch tatsächlich tut sich auf dem Markt der Sexroboter einiges. Diese Woche etwa treffen sich Experten aus der ganzen Welt an der University of London, um auf dem Kongress “Love and Sex with Robots” zu diskutieren, welche Folgen immer raffiniertere Sexroboter für die Gesellschaft haben.

“Irgendwann wird es sie geben – und den Markt dafür”

Der Traum der Hersteller ist eine menschenähnliche Puppe, die ihr Gegenüber scheinbar zurückliebt – und alles mit sich machen lässt. Für viele mag die Vorstellung von Sex mit einem Roboter gruselig und abstoßend sein, weil das Gegenüber eben bestenfalls echt wirkt, aber nicht echt ist.

Andererseits: In immer mehr Bereichen unseres Lebens kommunizieren, interagieren wir schon mit Maschinen, nicht mehr mit Menschen. In iPhones steckt Siri, Taxis können per Chatbot gerufen werden. Wird Technik bald auch in unserem Schlafzimmer eine größere Rolle spielen, wie Forscher Pearson es vorhersieht?

“Es gibt eine große Bandbreite verschiedener Sexpuppen und -roboter”, sagt die Wissenschaftlerin Julie Carpenter, die seit Jahren zur Interaktion von Menschen und Robotern forscht. “Aber die Idee von der Maschine, die alle sexuellen Wünsche erfüllt, ist noch sehr weit von der Realität entfernt.” Die Amerikanerin findet allerdings auch: “Wir müssen jetzt über die ethischen und gesetzlichen Probleme sprechen, die Sexroboter mit sich bringen. Denn irgendwann wird es sie geben – und den Markt dafür.”

Wie Sexpuppen intelligent werden sollen

Die Branche der Sexpuppenhersteller arbeitet längst nicht mehr nur an Oberflächen, die sich möglichst hautzart anfühlen, sondern auch an der Sprachfähigkeit. Puppen wie “Roxxxy” vom Hersteller True Companion sind laut Website “immer geil und bereit zum Reden oder Spielen” und sollen sich je nach Voreinstellung abenteuerlustig oder schüchtern geben – zumindest auf Englisch. Deutsch hat die Puppe noch nicht gelernt.

Auch das US-Unternehmen RealDoll setzt auf Puppen, mit denen ihre Besitzer interagieren können. Neue Modelle sollen sich Informationen über den Gesprächspartner merken und per Sprachmodul Wohlgefallen signalisieren können. Virtual-Reality-Anwendungen mit der VR-Brille Oculus Rift sind ebenfalls geplant.

Sexroboter als Prostituierte der Zukunft?

Bislang sind Sexpuppen, die mehr sein wollen als simple Gummipuppen, ein Nischenprodukt. Pro Tag wird im Schnitt eine RealDoll produziert und für rund 6000 Euro verkauft. Ein naheliegender Abnehmer für die teuren Puppen sind deshalb Bordelle, wo sich ein Einsatz schnell lohnen könnte.

In künftigen Roboter-Laufhäusern könnten Menschen sicher, billig und ohne Angst vor menschlicher Zurückweisung ihren sexuellen Fantasien nachgehen. Außerdem läuft man beim Sex mit einem Roboter bei entsprechender Hygiene weniger Gefahr, sich eine Geschlechtskrankheit einzufangen.

Doch kommen die Menschen nicht auch ins Bordell, weil sie sich menschliche Nähe erkaufen wollen? “Oft geht es Kunden darum, mit der eigenen, auch ungewöhnlichen Sexualität angenommen zu werden”, sagt etwa Undine de Rivière vom Bundesverband erotische und sexuelle Dienstleistungen. Dann müsse jemand auch mal in den Arm genommen werden, so de Rivière.

Noch gibt es wenig Forschung

Sexroboter können das nicht bieten. Auch Roboter-Forscherin Carpenter ist skeptisch, ob sich durch die Verfügbarkeit von Sexrobotern Probleme wie Frauenhandel zum Zweck der Prostitution eindämmen lassen.

Für die Therapie von Opfern mit sexuellen Traumata könnten humanoide Roboter aber hilfreich sein, glaubt Carpenter. “Es gibt noch zu wenig Forschungsergebnisse, die diese Vermutung klar belegen. Aber wenn wir uns einen Sexroboter vorstellen, der einem Menschen ähnelt, dann gibt es auch Potenzial, ihn für therapeutische Zwecke zu nutzen.”

Sexroboter als Projektionsfläche – Gefahr für den Menschen?

In der Ähnlichkeit der Roboter zum Menschen sehen viele aber auch ein Problem. Denn was würde es mit den Menschen machen, wenn der Unterschied zwischen menschlichem Sexualpartner und einer Sexpuppe verwischt?

Wäre es zum Beispiel gut, wenn aggressive Menschen ihre Gewalt an realistischen Sexpuppen ausleben – oder würde das zu einer größeren Gefährdung auch für Menschen führen? Und dürften Pädophile ihre Triebe an Kinder-Sexrobotern ausleben?

Die Stuttgarter Technik-Philosophin Catrin Misselhorn befürchtet, dass das Ausleben solcher Fantasien mit einem Roboter Anreize schaffen könnte, die Aktionen auch in die Realität zu übertragen. Denn für die Befriedigung sei wichtig, “dass man sich vorstellt, man hätte es eben nicht nur mit einem Sexroboter zu tun, sondern mit einer realen Person, der man Gewalt antut”, so die Philosophin.

Trotzdem korreliere sexuelle Gewalt an Robotern nicht zwangsläufig mit echter Gewalt, betont Misselhorn. Sie plädiert deshalb dafür, rechtliche und ethische Fragen voneinander zu trennen. Nicht alles, was vielen Menschen unmoralisch erscheine, müsse mit rechtlichen Sanktionen belegt werden.

Forscherin Carpenter ist sich sicher, dass Roboter noch sehr lange wie Roboter aussehen werden. “Wir werden wissen, dass wir es mit einem Roboter, nicht mit einem Menschen zu tun haben, schon allein weil wir ihn als einen Roboter gekauft haben.”

Zusammengefasst: Die Sexbranche arbeitet an intelligenten Sexrobotern. Wenn menschenähnliche Sexdienstleister gesellschaftsfähig werden, brächte das viele ethische Probleme mit sich. Dürften Menschen an ihnen jede Fantasie ausleben? Forscher denken schon jetzt über solche Szenarien nach und plädieren für eine klare Trennung von Recht und Ethik.


‘MIND-BLOWING romps’ could ‘kill’ as sex robots ‘better in bed than humans’

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Published 20th December 2016 – Daily Star

SEX has never been so dangerous as sexbots could kill their human partners because they will be so good in bed, a researcher claimed.


WARNING: Making love to a sex robot could kill their human partners as they will be so good
Robot lovers could be “better in bed than humans” as they will know exactly what their lovers want, Professor Snell, of Kirkwood college, in the US, said.Sex robots – who will offer blokes a different kind of sex – could “surpass” human technique and essentially be tireless, he added in “The impacts of robotics sex”.

CRAZY: Robot lovers could be ‘better in bed than humans’
But the love machines could “over-exert” real people because fellas have “physical limits”, one expert warned.


“Robot lovers could be ‘better in bed than humans’”

Professor Snell

Oliver Bendel told the Love & Sex with Robots conference at Goldsmiths University in London: “If the machine over-exerts the human, it reduces the possibility of human sex.

“Who is liable for injuries?”

But this is a legal question, the machine ethics researcher of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Switzerland explained.


CAREFUL: Experts warn the love machines could ‘over-exert’ people as we have ‘physical limits’
He did not come to a conclusion of who could be held responsible.Daily Star Online is not aware of anyone who has been harmed by a sex robot or any research that suggests people could be hurt by one. 

Sex robot ‘affairs’: Women face fight for men in bedroom as blokes hook up with cyborgs

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By Lily Waddell /

GIRLFRIENDS will have to compete with sex robots in the bedroom as their boyfriends are set to hook up with android lovers, Daily Star Online can reveal.


CRAZY: Sex robots run the risk of kicking women out of the bedroom for good
Fellas in relationships are going to bag more sex, an expert has revealed.Despite popular belief  were for lonely men, men have revealed they are going to have hot affairs with robots.Nearly half of blokes are “open minded” to the idea of  and it doesn’t matter if they have a girlfriend, an expert has revealed.

essica Szczuka, of University Duisburg-Essen, in Germany, said: “Being in a relationship doesn’t mean sexual fulfilment.

“Sex is a very important part of social interaction.”

Humans will form “very special” relationships and have sex with androids who have female bodies, the expert told Goldsmith’s Love and Sex with Robots conference in London.

She added: “There is no difference between single men and men in relationships with regard to the intention to buy a sex robot now or within the next five years. [If they could].

“They are not just for lonely men.”

Blokes – between aged 18 and 67 – engaged in Ms Szczuka’s study investigating whether “sex robots are attractive”.

As many as 263 took part in the online survey.


SPECIAL: Men will develop special relationships with their sex robots.
A staggering 40.3% of men revealed they would fork out for an android lover now or in the next five years.Top cyborg developer Matt McMullen previously told Daily Star Online how robots are going to be a “third option” for buyers.He also said .

WORLD FIRST: ‘Real intimate’ smartphone snogging to ‘revolutionise cybersex’

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By Lily Waddell /

HUMANS will be able to engage in passionate kissing through their mobile phones that will change the face of relationships as we know it, Daily Star Online can reveal.


THE FUTURE: These smartphone attachments simulate the experience of kissing
Lovers will feel the “full force” of their partner’s kiss from across the globe using the intimate machine – dubbed Kissenger – which hooks up through the internet.And top researcher of the world’s first prototype snogging device Emma Yann Zhang, of City University London, told Daily Star Online it could hit the shelves in two years.Daring volunteers described the exchange as “realistic” and “intimate”.3b0dbee000000578-0-image-a-2_1480924690414

REALISTIC: The device is bringing the reality of life-like sex robots closer everyday

“Kissing is the most direct and universal expression” – Emma Yann Zhang, City University London

Ms Zhang said: “Kissing is the most direct and universal expression.

“Kissing is particularly important for women.

“It’s the first indicator of what a man is capable of sexually.”


KINKY: The products could turn out to be a hit on the cybersex market

The steamy snogging sessions has a lot of health benefits because it is a “stress reliever”, she claimed.

It will also improve intimacy with a partner, the Malaysian-based expert added at the Love and Sex with robots conference at London’s Goldsmiths.


Naturally the kinky product has great scope for the online dating market, the kissing fanatic claimed.

It would eliminate any disappointment if the new flame turned out to be a bad kisser.

The next stage will be to input a “perfume tank” which will allow couples to smell your other half as they kiss into the plug-in device, she said

REVEALED: The kinky sex robot cinema orgies that will be ‘addictive’

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By Lily Waddell /



REVEALED: Soon YOU will be able to go to a sex robot cinemas orgies
The new wave of robot movie theatres – dubbed ROMOT – will revolutionise the way people engage in sex and cinema.Audience members will get their kinky thrills from vibrating seats and interacting with the actors on screen with a tablet.Twelve people will get together for the “collective”, realistic and immersive experience, a professor revealed.


WHOLE NEW EXPERIENCE: Audience members will be able to interact with the actors with a tablet

“Imagine a device where you could really kiss Leonardo DiCaprio”

Cristina Portales

Cristina Portales, Universitat de Valencia, lifted the lid on how sex cinemas are set to sweep the globe will be a sell-out.

“It could be as addictive as pornographic material,” she said at the Love and Sex with Robots conference.

“All senses have been integrated.

“People will see, people will smell, people will touch.

“They will feel the movement.


ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES: Cinema-goers can choose to engage with actors
“It is not an individual activity. It is a group.”That said, there is some scope for more “private” settings, she explained.A first person point of view, kinaesthetic “vibrations” movement in the seats, surround sound and 3D glasses will make the virtual reality cinema “realistic”.

There is also the potential for sex robots to be incorporated into the cinemas to add to the “immersive” shows.

Advanced sex technology will allow actors’ kisses to be recorded and cinema-goers can choose to engage with them.She added: “Imagine a device where you could really kiss Leonardo DiCaprio.“Choose whether you receive their kisses.

“Increases your sense of reality.”

But in the same way the production of Hollywood A-list sex robots is limited, celebs would have to give their permission for their kisses to be used in this way.

Daily Star Online is not aware of any stars who have given permission.

It has not been decided how much people will have to fork out for their kinky cinema tickets.

ROMOT Researchers – Sergio Casas, Cristina Portales, Maria Vidal-Gonzalez and Inma Garcia-Pereira and Marcos Fernadez – have been building the multimodal cinema allowing interaction experiences for driving safety but are innovative for what this means for the future of sex cinemas.


The first robot-human marriage will take place before 2050, as droids become more attractive than humans

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  • An expert has said we will marry robots before 2050, at a robot sex conference
  • He also thinks sex with robots will be more enjoyable than with other humans
  • Comments were made by Dr David Levy, author of ‘Love and Sex with Robots’

Humans will marry robots in the next 35 years, according to a sex robot expert.

Not only this, but sex with robots will become more enjoyable than with other humans, because of the advancement of artificial intelligence, he said.

Robots will also be more attractive than their human counterparts, according to London-based Dr David Levy, author of ‘Love and Sex with Robots’.


Humans will marry robots in the next 35 years, according to a sex robot expert. Not only this, but sex with robots will become more enjoyable than with other humans, because of the advancement of artificial intelligence, he said (stock image)

‘The first marriage will be before, not after 2050,’ best-selling author and robot expert Dr David Levy said during the Love and Sex with Robots conference in London.

While the claims may seem ridiculous to some, ‘sex and love with robots at a human level may appear to be a long way off, but the future has a way of laughing at you,’ he said.

The conference, held this week, has attracted experts from across the world to provide a vision of how sex with robots will look in the future, but it is not all good.

Nearly half of men could see themselves buying a sex robot in the near future but, if they are not careful, the tireless robots could push their human lovers over the edge.

The findings come from two key presentations at the conference that suggest robots will become an increasingly popular companion in the bedroom, warranting a system of ethics for their development and use.


Humans will marry robots in the next 35 years, according to a sex robot expert.

Not only this, but sex with robots will become more enjoyable than with other humans, because of the advancement of artificial intelligence, he said.

‘The first marriage will be before, not after 2050,’ best-selling author and robot expert Dr David Levy said during the Love and Sex with Robots conference at Goldsmiths University, London.

In one study, presented yesterday at the conference at Goldsmiths, University of London, the researchers surveyed 263 heterosexual males between the ages of 18 and 67.

Participants were shown two-minute videos of female humanoid robots.

The team also conducted ‘personality measures’ and ‘attractiveness ratings.’


Earlier this year a graphic designer created a life-like replica of actress Scarlett Johansson (pictured) which is not a sex robot but winks and giggles when people tell her she’s cute. In the future, sex robots could be modelled on celebrities, according to one expert

Then, the men were asked whether they would buy such a robot for themselves now or within the next five years.

The study revealed a staggering number of men admitted they would buy a sex robot, with 40.3 per cent of participants responding in this way.

Earlier this month, Dr Levy also said in the future it will be common to find sex robots modelled on celebrities.

‘You can imagine people saying, “I’ve got a sex robot who looks like Angelina Jolie and she’s fabulous in bed!”‘ he said.

He also said celebrities could be set to make a lot of money out of the venture.

‘If you’re Angelina Jolie and there’s a company manufacturing a high-quality product, and you’re getting a royalty of £1,000-2,000 [$1,200-$2,500] for each one, you could make even more millions than you’ve got just by licensing your appearance,’ he said.

Any celebrity would need to consent in their image being used in this way.


‘The hypothetical applications of sex robots and related products, part of a field called technosexuality, seem endless,’ counsellor Ian Kerner said.

‘I could see couples using them to enact fantasies, such as a threesome, that they might not feel comfortable trying with real people. ‘

He also said it could allow couples to work through differences that might otherwise cause them to separate.

‘If one partner has a higher libido, a robot could allow him or her to enjoy a fulfilling sex life without straying.

‘And robots might help couples break out of sex ruts by adding spice to their relationship or maintaining long-distance romances.’


Sex cinemas that allow the audience to take part in ORGIES with actors using virtual reality and robot technology will be ‘more addictive than porn’, vows inventor

posted in: Media

  • Special sex cinemas will be equipped with vibrating seats and surround sound
  • Up to a dozen people will be able to interact with the actors on the screen 
  • A London conference was told that the new technology was being worked upon
  • However, experts warned the sex robots could be more addictive than porn 

Spanish researchers are developing cutting-edge technology which will allow cinema fans to engage in orgies with the on-screen stars using virtual reality.

Audience members will sit on specially designed vibrating seats and interact with the stars on screen using a tablet device.

Up to twelve people will be able to get involved in the sessions, which the inventors believe will be more addictive than traditional pornography.


Movie fans will be able to engage in interactive shows with robotic sex dolls while attending special cinemas according to experts attending a seminar in London earlier this month


New high-tech developments will allow patrons to feel the caresses of actors on screen

Christina Portales of the University of Valencia was updating experts at the Love and Sex with Robots conference in London earlier this month.

According to the Daily Star, she told delegates: ‘Imagine a device where you could really kiss Leonardo DiCaprio. It could be as addictive as pornographic material.

‘All senses have been integrated. People will see, people will smell, people will touch. They will feel the movement. It is not an individual activity. It is a group.’

The high-tech environment will encompass seats which vibrate in the most appropriate places along with surround sound and 3D glasses.

One future development could involve the deployment of ‘sex robots’ to make the shows fully interactive.

Patrons will be empowered to decide whether they receive the attentions of the actors on screen.

However, it is unlikely the shows will feature A-listers, as they would have to consent to their images to be used in such a manner.


Sex bots could KILL: Experts warn owners ‘risk over-exertion’ as 40% of men admit they would use one

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  • Study found that 40% of men said they’d buy a sex robot now or within 5 years
  • The researchers surveyed 263 heterosexual men between ages 18 and 67
  • But, experts have warned they could cause humans to over-exert themselves

Nearly half of men could see themselves buying a sex robot in the near future.

But, if they aren’t careful, the tireless robots could push their human lovers over the edge.

The findings come from two key presentations at the Love and Sex with Robots conference in London, and suggest robots will become an increasingly popular companion in the bedroom, warranting a system of ethics for their development and use.

Nearly half of men could see themselves buying a sex robot in the near future. But, if they aren’t careful, the tireless robots could push their human lovers over the edge, experts have warned. Stock image


In one study, presented today at the conference at Goldsmiths, University of London, the researchers surveyed 263 heterosexual males between the ages of 18 and 67.

Participants were shown two-minute videos of female humanoid robots.

The team also conducted ‘personality measures’ and ‘attractiveness ratings.’

Then, the men were asked whether they would buy such a robot for themselves now or within the next five years.

The study revealed a staggering number of men admitted they would buy a sex robot, with 40.3 percent of participants responding in this way.

‘I wanted to see what kind of characteristics influence the use of sex robots,’ Jessica Szczuka from the University of Duisburg-Essen said at the conference, the Mirror reports.

‘We react towards computers and machines as we do with human beings. This involves showing empathy and keeping an interpersonal distance with robots.’

The researchers also noted that lonely men were more likely to attribute human characteristics to robots.

By turning to sex-bots, however, humans may over-exert themselves to the point of collapse, researchers warned at the conference.

Oliver Bendel, a researcher from the University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Northwestern Switzerland, says development of sex robots should be subjected to questions of machine ethics, the Register reports.

Bendel warned that there are ‘physical limits’ to human sexuality – especially for men.

As robots have the potential to carry on without tiring out, this could put users at risk of over-exertion.

‘If the machine over-exerts the human, it reduces the possibility of human sex,’ Bendel said.

By turning to sex-bots, however, humans may over-exert themselves to the point of collapse, researchers warned at the conference. Oliver Bendel says development of sex robots should be subjected to questions of machine ethics


Another question included whether robots should be able to ‘entice’ users, according to the Register.

And in extreme circumstances, the expert wonders whether robots should be able to refuse, and if they should be compelled to reveal they are robots.

There are also concerns on the possibility of proliferation, as these robots would be able to collect data on their partners.

Such threats have already begun to surface.

Earlier this year, a woman sued sex toy firm We Vibe, claiming the company was keeping tabs on intimate data collected by the smart dildo and its corresponding app.

In recent months, experts have increasingly warned that internet-connected sex toys are vulnerable to hackers.


Sex robots could reveal your secret perversions: Handing over intimate data is a privacy risk, warns expert

posted in: Media

  • Personal data handed over to cyber sex toy makers could be stolen by hackers
  • This is according to an expert speaking at a cyber sex conference in London 
  • Agreeing to terms and conditions without reading them could leave users at risk 
  • One connected sex toy firm is already been sued over claims it was keeping tabs on intimate data

Sex robots could be a target for hackers who want to get access to details of your sexual perversions.

That’s according to Dr Kate Devlin who made the warning during a talk at the ‘Love and Sex with Robots’ conference in London this week.

She says that connected sex toys could store incredibly personal data, raising concerns over how it could be used in future.


One expert has warned that these connected sex toys, including sex robots, could store incredibly personal data, raising concerns over how it could be used in future.



Would YOU try it? Bizarre robot ‘lips’ let you kiss long-distance lovers from anywhere in the world

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  • ‘Kissenger’ device attaches to your phone and matches your partner’s kiss
  • Silicone lips move in real-time with theirs through six micro-sensors
  • The high-tech mouthpieces even let you smell your partner from afar
  • Developers plan to create full-sized snogging silicon heads in the future

A robot set of lips is promising to put the passion back into long-distance relationships.

The Lovotics Kissenger is a silicone mouthpiece that allows you to smooch your partner from anywhere in the world.

The bizarre device connects to your phone and will match a partner’s lip movements and pressure in real-time.

As well as feeling the kiss of a long-distance loved one, the device even lets you smell them.


Scientists have created silicon robot lips that let you kiss someone from anywhere in the world. The ‘Kissenger’ mouthpiece (pictured) connects to your phone and will match a partner’s lip movements in real-time

The ‘Kissenger’ – a combination of ‘kiss’ and ‘messenger’ – is designed to make online video chat with a partner more intimate.

To use the device, distant lovers connect the mouthpiece to their phone and press their lips to it.

Kissenger’s software then reads the pressure from each pair of lips and transmits it across the globe to the mouthpiece at the other end.

It reproduces the exact force of each kisser using six mini-sensors.

And the silicon lining is designed to feel just like human skin, producing a realistic kiss in-time with a distant lover’s lip movements.


Distant lovers can simply connect the mouthpiece to their phone and press their lips to it. Kissenger’s software then reads the pressure from each pair of lips and transmits it across the globe to the mouthpiece at the other end. This image shows the two models available

Users can even put their partner’s body odour or perfume into the device for extra authenticity.

But the developers, a small team of engineers from City University London and Japan, are not stopping there.

They are now creating full-sized silicon heads.

Emma Yann Zhang, a Kissenger team engineer and PhD student from City University London, said:’ We want to make a robotic head with silicon to make a fully kissable robot using the same technology as the mobile phone version.

‘We’ll embed control sensors in the robot’s head instead.’

The team hope that their devices will one day be used to kiss virtual characters, such as popular virtual sex icon Lara Croft, too.

The Kissenger mouthpiece technology was revealed at the second Love and Sex Robot conference at Goldsmith’s University, London, on Monday.

The device is just a prototype for now, and date and price for sale has yet to be disclosed.


‘Kissenger’ is the world’s first mobile kissing messenger.

Distant lovers connect the mouthpiece to their phone and press their lips to it.

Kissenger’s software then reads the pressure from each pair of lips and transmits it across the globe to the mouthpiece at the other end.

It reproduces the exact force of each kisser using six mini-sensors.

And the silicon lining is designed to feel just like human skin, producing a realistic kiss in-time with a distant lover’s movements.

Users can even put their partner’s body odour or perfume into the device for extra authenticity.


The silicon lining is designed to feel just like human skin, producing a realistic kiss in-time with a distant lover’s lip movements and users can even put their partner’s body odour or perfume into the device for extra authenticity

Many in long distance relationships suffer from a loss of intimacy with their partner.

But Kissenger’s creators hope to close that romantic gap.

Speaking to erotic industry news site EAN last year, Dinos Andreou, Business Development Executive of Kissengers, said:

‘There are thousands of ways someone can send a kiss, and having a device able to replicate all of them would mean restructuring a complete artificial mouth, lips and tongue.

‘Something like that would be extremely expensive to make with current technology and it would be a strange product on stand-alone basis as well as kind of creepy.’

‘We needed to focus on the simplest and most commonly used kiss, the simple smooch, and find a way of making the lips move in a realistic and acceptable way considering the limitations, and get the product to the market as quickly as possible.’

Mr Andreou and his team are not just targeting couples in long distance relationships.

‘Although long distance couples are the main customer group, they are not the only ones which exchange kisses,’ Mr Andreou says.


The developers are now creating full-sized snogging silicon heads, and hope to develop snogging devices that will one day be used to kiss virtual characters, such as popular virtual sex icon Lara Croft

‘Even couples who live in the same city but not in the same house would benefit from that.

‘Sending a kiss goodnight through the Kissenger would be a much better option than an “xxx” text message.

‘We are also targeting families where one child is abroad studying, or where the mother/father spends a lot of time at work away from their baby.’

The team eventually hope to create full-sized silicon robots.

‘The Kissenger is our first product, a baby step into becoming an independent company,’ Mr Andreou told EAN.

‘We will not rest until we are able to create a full-on surrogate which could transfer every single sense from across the globe.’

‘The uses and the good something like that can bring to mankind are endless.’


Pictured is the interior of each of the kissing devices, with wireless connectivity, actuator motors that drive the kiss, and silicon lips

Sex robot MUM? Laws ‘should change so we can MARRY and RAISE CHILDREN with bots’

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MARRIAGE between robots and humans will soon be the norm and we should be allowed to raise children with them, an expert has stated.

Doctor David Levy said that laws will be changed to allow humans to marry robots
Doctor David Levy, author of the New York Times Best Seller ‘Love and Sex with Robots’, has said that laws will soon be adjusted to allow humans to marry robots.Dr Levy was speaking at a congress named after his book title, when he told the audience that he is an advocate of human-robot marriage when a sufficient level of artificial intelligence is developed.The author was highlighting the changes in marriage laws over the past few decades in regards to marriage between two men or two women, and believes that people who love machines will soon be afforded the same rights.

He went even further by saying that a parent duo consisting of human and machine would be equally qualified to raise a child as two humans would.

Dr Levy said in a speech titled ‘Why Not Marry a Robot?’: “Surely what is important here, is that it is not the gay or straight nature of the parents, but that both parents are conscientious and nurturing.

“Just as a gay or lesbian couple are capable of being perfectly good parents to a child, there seems to be to me no valid reason that a sophisticated robot in decades to come cannot be a partner and provision of good parenthood.”


The point of the conference where Dr Levy was speaking was to discuss the future of sex robots
He added that once AI is at a level where it interacts at a human level, with emotion and humour and without prompting, then it should be perfectly normal for man and machine to tie the knot.The point of the conference was to discuss the future of sex robots – and Dr Levy says sex with robots is “just around the corner”.However, he believes that once robots are given consciousness and are able to make competent and uninfluenced decisions, then they should virtually be treated as humans where the same laws should apply.Dr Levy said: “We’re being forced to contemplate what human-robot relationships will be like a generation or two from now.”


Dr Levy concluded: ‘When the law allows it, why not marry a robot?’

He continued: “As love and sex with robots becomes more commonplace =85 we should come face to face of the very real possibility with marriage with robots.”When robots are sufficiently human-like, sufficiently appealing socially, to the point where they can act as our companions, why not extend that companionship to marriage if neither party is against the idea?”As more and more people come accept the concepts of sex and love with robots, so societies will develop laws that govern-human robot relationships.

Future of romance? A THIRD imagine humans will fall IN LOVE with robots in the future

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OVER a third of people imagine that human beings will one day be falling in LOVE with robots, it has been revealed.

 A third of people believe they can imagine a point where humans fall in love with machine
A staggering amount of humans believe that civilisation is heading to a point where there is virtually no difference between love between two humans and love between a human and a robot.The possibility of robots, specifically sex dolls, infiltrating human emotions is certainly on the horizon, with expert Dr David Levy stating that humans will be marrying robots by 2050. 

While the idea sounds like it comes straight from sic-fi fantasy, it is certainly a real prospect with over a third of people believing that they can imagine a point where humans fall in love with machine.

Speaking at the Love and Sex with Robots congress at Goldsmiths University, London, Emma Yann Zhang revealed that people believe that more likely to feel that “emotional involvement is favoured over physical involvement”.

Ms Zhang revealed in a flash, abstract study that 35 per cent of people can imagine other humans falling in love with robots, while just 28 per cent could imagine a point where others are getting intimate with machine, implying that people are more likely to use sex robots to help cure loneliness.

The participants reacted positively to emotional and physical bonding with robots

Emma Yann Zhang

Ms Zhang, who was presenting the research on behalf of Chamari Edirisinghe, from the National University of Singapore, who was unable to make it to the conference, said: “Throughout the analysis of the study, the participants distanced themselves from being involved intimately with robots.”The majority of the participants reacted positively to emotional and physical bonding with robots in abstract, distant level.”


There has been a frenzy recently with many believing that sex robots will replace human intimacy completely in the future, but Ms Zhang disagrees with this.She told a conference: “In the future, we think that once we have this technology everyone will be doing it.”But I don’t think that is true.”I think it will be for a certain group of people.

Sex robot shocker: Almost HALF of all men will use erotic robot playthings, says survey

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A shocking new report has found that almost half of men, those who are single as well as in relationships, could buy a sex robot within the next five years.Jessica Szczuka, from the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany, co-authored research which focused on what is likely to influence men as to whether to buy a sex robots.Machines that look like women for sexual purposes are on the rise, and in countries such as Japan, it has already led to a decline in traditional sexual encounters between human beings.

However, the trend is on its way to Europe and the US and it is beginning to pick up pace.

While many people would have the mindset that sex robots are for the lonely, new research suggests otherwise.

A staggering 40.3 per cent of the 263 straight males that were surveyed for Ms Szczuka’s research said that they could imagine using a sex robot within the next five years.

Ms Szczuka added that there were no differences between the responses of men who were in a relationship and those who were single.

If people have the guts to say ‘yeah I could imagine that’, thats a good sign

Jessica Szczuka

However, she added that that number might actually be higher in reality as participants might have lied.Speaking at the Love and Sex With Robots congress at Goldsmiths University in London, shequipped: “If people have the guts to say ‘yeah I could imagine that’, thats a good sign”.


Ms Szczuka also believes that as people become more familiar with robots, that number “will double over time”.

While just under half of men could imagine buying a sex robot within five years, more than two thirds of males could imagine using them.

Ms Szczuka said that the most likely people to use one will be socially anxious people.

She said: “Someone with a fear of rejection could control the robot because the robot would never reject them.”

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